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You are viewing Cheat Codes for SWAT 4 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-03-28 17:55:07 Views : 12664 Developer Tip 3 Increasing the difficulty will also increase the morale of suspects and civilians. Developer Tip 6 Crouching, moving slowly, and firing in short bursts keeps the targeting reticule tight and will make your shots more accurate. Developer Tip 1 The optiwand is a critical tool. If you do not plan to carry a wand, it is a good idea to make sure more than one AI officer is carrying an optiwand in case one with the wand is incapacitated during a mission. Cheats Open up Swat4.ini and go down to the title "[Engine.GameEngine]".Change "EnableDevTools=False" to "EnableDevTools=True".Now, during the gameplay, just type the ~ button next to 1 key, and the command console will appear and type these in.You must enter every code at the beginning of every mission.E.G if you enter god in one mission, in the next mission you will become Vulnerable again and therefore, must enter the cheat again. God Mode - God 3rd Person - behindview 1 Turns no Clip Off - Walk No Clip - Ghost Back To First person - behindview 0 Changes Gravity to X (Replace X With number desired) - SetGravity X hanges how high you jump to X (Replace X With number desired) - SetJump X Developer Tip 5 Any suspects caught behind a door that is being blown by C2 will be momentarily stunned. Developer Tip 7 Officers ordered to stack up against a door will also automatically check the lock and report whether or not the door is open. Cheat Codes Press [~] while playing the game to bring up the console, and then enter one of the following codes: behindview 1 - 3rd person camera open "mapname" - Change map Developer Tip 2 It is a good idea to optiwand around blind corners. Your AI officers can also be ordered to optiwand around most corners. Developer Tip 4 Civilians or suspects who are not compliant at first can be made to comply using non lethal weapons such as the less-lethal shotgun, taser, or grenades. An effective way to make suspects and civilians comply is to shoot them with a lethal weapon in a non-lethal area such as in the leg or the arm. However, you will achieve higher scores for not injuring civilians or suspects. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more SWAT 4 cheat codes.
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